Spaying Your Cat: What To Expect Before, During, And After The Procedure

Read about what to expect before and after you spay your cat on the AZPAWS blog.

Spaying Your Cat: What To Expect Before, During, And After The Procedure

It’s important to spay your pet before their first heat for a number of reasons. The first is that is can help prevent uterine infections. The second is that is can help prevent cancerous tumors, which affect up to 90% of cats. It’s essential that a cat is spayed before their first heat because they can become pregnant as soon as they’re five months old.

Therefore, to ensure you’re properly prepared for your feline’s spaying, here’s what you need to know about the process of spaying a cat.

Preparing your Cat
Similar to human surgery, it’s often recommended that a cat doesn’t consume food or water for up to 12 hours prior to their surgery. This is to help prevent vomiting during surgery, which could complicate the procedure.

It’s also a good idea to prepare for the morning of the surgery based on your cat’s known behavior. For instance, if your cat is likely to hide at the sight of their carrier, keep them in the guest bedroom over night so they’ll be easier to catch the next day. Additionally, keep your cat indoors the night before the surgery to ensure they’re not drinking or eating for 12 hours prior to the surgery.

During the Surgery
During the surgery, a veterinarian will be assisted by either one or two technicians. The veterinarian may choose to use an intravenous catheter on your pet to provide them with drugs or fluids. However, this isn’t always the case.

Should the catheter be used, one of the technicians will shave applied area either on the back foot of your cat or the front leg. Your cat will be anesthetized and sedated during the procedure. The procedure will take up to 30 minutes at most.

A small incision is made in the stomach area of your cat during the surgery. Be sure to pay close attention to this area after the procedure for signs of infection, swelling, or bleeding.

After the surgery
After the surgery, you’ll want to keep your cat indoors for at least a week. Keep him or her safe and comfortable.

Many cats are often back to their normal behavior within 24 hours. If your feline is still behaving oddly or groggy after more than two days be sure to check in with your veterinarian.

As a pet owner, it’s essential that you understand the importance of spaying or neutering your pet when it comes to pet healthcare. Spaying your pet means caring for your pet. For more information on the benefits of spaying your pet and caring for your cat after spaying or neutering, contact AZPaws today.