Monthly Archives: June 2016

Caring for Your Cat After Surgery and What to Expect

Neutering a cat can be a scary process but knowing what to do after can help. Visit our website and blog to learn about what to do for your pet after surgery.

As a pet owner, you have put yourself in a position of responsibility towards your pet. For instance, at minimum, your pet should have their mouth thoroughly examined by a vet at least once a year. After your pet reaches 7 years old, they should be examined twice a year.

Indeed, by 3 years of age, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have periodontal (dental) disease. There are other important aspects of pet care, like keeping them clean, feed, exercised — and spayed.

Neutering a cat is often in the best interest of both you, the owner, and your beloved feline friend. Indeed, the surgery itself is routine and very easy — but it does require a couple of days of special attention and care for your pet. It is up to you to make sure that your cat is safe, healthy and after after the procedure — check out how to do that here:

 Expect your cat to have lower energy levels than usual — he or she needs to reserve their energy for recovery!

 It’s normal if some pinkness around the incision remains for a couple of days after, and it is only a problem if it lingers for longer than that. It should go without saying that it is inadvisable to touch your pets tender areas.

 Make sure not to feed your pet too soon! Likely it will not be allowed to eat until later in the evening the day of the surgery.

 Your vet will most likely recommend only giving your cat a small amount of water the a day of the surgery — any more could cause nausea in your feline companion.

 Try to keep your cat from being too active. Your cat needs to recover and moving like he or she usually does might cause the stitches to rip. Making your cat, or dog, can get it’s spay and neuter procedure will save you both a lot of headache — and possibly some kittens or puppies.

Caring for your pet is a big responsibility — remember that good nutrition should be at the center of every pet owners concerns — treats should make up no more than 10% of your pet’s daily calories.   Pet healthcare, including dental care for pets, and facilities for spaying a cat, will keep your pet health and happy for a long time — neutering a cat will keep you both very happy.