Category Archives: Neuter

The Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Dogs

Spaying and neutering are two surgical procedures that can help to prevent unwanted litters of puppies, as well as improve the health and well-being of your dog.

Spaying is the surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus in a female dog. Neutering is the surgical removal of the testicles in a male dog.

Both procedures are typically performed under general anesthesia and are considered to be very safe.

Health Benefits

There are many health benefits associated with spaying and neutering dogs. These include:

  • Reduced risk of certain cancers: Spaying female dogs before their first heat cycle can reduce their risk of developing mammary cancer by up to 90%. Neutering male dogs can reduce their risk of developing testicular cancer by 100%.
  • Reduced risk of other health problems: Spaying and neutering can also reduce the risk of other health problems in dogs, such as pyometra (an infection of the uterus), prostate cancer, and perianal fistulas.
  • Improved behavior: Spaying and neutering can also improve the behavior of dogs. Neutered male dogs are less likely to mark their territory with urine, and spayed female dogs will not go into heat. Both of these behaviors can be disruptive and annoying for pet owners.

Reduced Population

In addition to the health benefits, spaying and neutering can also help to reduce the number of unwanted dogs in shelters and on the streets. Every year, millions of dogs are euthanized in shelters because they are not adopted. Spaying and neutering your dog helps to reduce the number of unwanted puppies that are born each year, which can help to reduce the number of dogs that end up in shelters.

When to Spay or Neuter

The best time to spay or neuter your dog depends on their age and sex.

  • Female dogs: Female dogs can be spayed at any age, but it is generally recommended that they be spayed before their first heat cycle. This is because the risk of developing mammary cancer increases with each heat cycle.
  • Male dogs: Male dogs can be neutered at any age, but it is generally recommended that they be neutered before they reach sexual maturity. This is because neutered male dogs are less likely to engage in behaviors such as marking their territory with urine and fighting with other male dogs.

If you are considering spaying or neutering your dog, be sure to talk to your veterinarian about the best time to do so.

A few Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Your Pet

Read about some beneficial tips for spaying and neutering your cat or dog today.

Neutering refers to the sterilization of pets. The male procedure is called castration, but neutering is the term most commonly used. Spaying is usually reserved for females. This guide helps you understand the benefits of these procedures.

Less Desire to Roam
Female dogs usually release pheromones when they are in heat. Male dogs can smell the scent from a distance, so they start roaming to look for females. When you neuter your male dog, its desire to roam will be reduced. Therefore, you can worry less about losing your dog.

Also, spaying your female dog will reduce its chance of being in heat, so it will not leave the house going out to look for male dogs. Thus, your pet will be safe at home. This also applies to cats.

Reduces Number of Litters
If you think going through the neutering and spaying process is hard, try taking care of unwanted litters. Taking care of litters is expensive, and it takes a lot of time. Therefore, it is vital to go to a pet spay clinic and control the birth rate of female pets.

Provides Significant Health Benefits
Pets can experience many health issues during their lifetime. Neutering is vital as it helps prevents testicular cancer. Testicular cancer has been reported to be at high rates in dogs and cats. Dog clinics encourage pet owners to neuter their dogs to avoid such cases.

Spaying, on the other hand, helps prevent breast cancer and uterine infections in pets. Thus, avoiding these major complications should be one of the benefits of spaying pets that you should keep in mind.

If a female pet is spayed during its first heat cycle, the chances of developing a mammary tumor are usually reduced tremendously. Pet healthcare should be your priority when you have a dog or cat.

Reduces Animal Population
Many people are surprised at the high numbers of pets, which are usually euthanized yearly. Therefore, the best way to reduce euthanasia processes is by controlling the animal’s population. Dogs and cats do not give birth to just one litter; thus, their population grows rapidly.

If every family took their pets for the neutering and spaying procedures, animal population may be reduced to a manageable number. Visit our spay and neuter clinic to be part of the initiative of reducing animal population using birth control instead of animal euthanasia. Spaying and neutering is the only 100% effective form of birth control for cats and dogs.

Have a Well Behaved Pet
Neutering dogs and cats usually redirects their full attention to the family. They will spend more time with the family instead of running around getting into garbage cans or running into the road. The fidgetiness of pets is usually reduced in neutered animals.

Neutering and spaying your pet only manages undesired behaviors that are linked to aggression. Your pet’s personality will still be maintained, so you don’t need to worry about losing your joyful and playful pet in the process.

Increases Pets’ Life Expectancy
Taking your cat or dog to a pet spay clinic can help increase its life expectancy. Neutering a dog increases its lifespan by one to three years. This shows that neutering improves the health of a pet. Neutering a cat increases its life span by three to five years.

It Is Good For the Community
Stray pets may cause accidents, destroy property, frighten children, and make noise in the neighborhood. Therefore, another benefit of spaying or neutering your pet is that the community will get to live more peacefully.

Spaying and neutering are important. Head to our pet spay clinic to experience all the above benefits. Our professional team will provide you with enough information about how to take care of the pet after the procedure. This guide gives you the reasons as to why you need to visit a pet spay clinic if you have a pet.

Two Important Parts of Pet Healthcare: Dental Care and Spaying or Neutering

Care of the teeth is an important part of pet healthcare that many pet owners overlook. Read more about some important factors regarding pet care.

It may surprise you to learn that 80% of dogs and 70% of cats exhibit signs of periodontal (dental) disease by age 3. Care of the teeth is an important part of pet healthcare that many pet owners overlook. Despite the fact that veterinarians emphasize brushing your pet’s teeth, 65% of pet owners don’t follow through with this recommendation. By the time a dog reaches adulthood, it has 42 teeth, while an adult cat has 30 teeth. Fortunately, it’s not necessary to floss a dog’s teeth; brushing alone cleans 90% of the teeth’s surfaces.

Pet Healthcare: Spaying or Neutering Your Dog or Cat
In addition to dental care for your pet, you need to consider spaying or neutering to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The only foolproof method of contraception for dogs and cats is spaying and neutering. Thankfully, many owners understand that preventing animal overpopulation is crucial. The American Pet Products Association reports that from 2015 to 2016, pet owners had 90% of cats and 86% of dogs spayed or neutered. This is an important issue, since a dog can produce 2 litters annually, and most litters contain six to 10 puppies. A single female cat that has not been spayed can be responsible for nearly 5,000 kittens in a seven-year period. Many unwanted offspring end up in animal shelters. states that your female dog or cat should be spayed before she has a first litter. Pregnancy can occur in cats and dogs when they are just five months old. To be on the safe side, you can have kittens or puppies spayed or neutered when they are just two months old.

Owning a dog or cat is a special responsibility. Pet owners should consider not only the health and well-being of their pets, but the greater problem of animal shelter crowding; this problem can be addressed by spaying and neutering dogs and cats as soon as they’re old enough to undergo the surgery. Periodontal disease is common in cats and dogs, so early dental care, including regular exams of the mouth at vet visits and brushing at home, is critical. Call us today to set up your appointment to care for your furry friend.

4 Reasons to Spay and Neuter Your Pet

Read more about why spaying and or neutering your pet is important in AZ.

If you’re a pet owner or planning to adopt one, then you need to consider spaying or neutering your pet. There is a big problem in Arizona. There are too many unwanted pets that end up in local shelters. Unless strictly monitored, dogs and cats mate when the mood strikes. Unfortunately, this might lead to unwanted pregnancies.

It’s estimated that approximately 7 million homeless animals enter shelters annually. Less than half of them get adopted, and the rest are euthanized. To minimize the number of litters, spaying and neutering become the only viable solution. The study reveals that spaying and neutering is the only 100% effective and permanent method of birth control for cats and dogs.

However, spay and neuter can only happen in a pet spay clinic. Therefore, there is a need to find a reputable spay clinic in Arizona. The decision to spay or neuter a pet is the single best decision you can make for your pet’s long-term welfare.

Here are the reasons why taking your dog to a pet spay clinic is essential.

  1. Boosts Your Pet’s Health

According to a 2013 report on the USA Today, spayed or neutered pets live the longest. It also adds that a spayed female dog can live 23% longer than unspayed one and neutered male dog lives 18% longer than its unneutered counterpart.

The short lifespan of unspayed and unneutered pets is attributed to their roaming nature, which exposes them to mishaps, being struck by cars, and even fighting with other animals.

Pregnancy has a lot of health effects for every creature. More so, the heat cycle affects the female dog by increasing her chances of getting breast cancer or uterine infection. On the other hand, neutering a dog means no balls, hence no testicle cancer.

  1. Curb Unruly Behavior
    Neutered cats and dogs are less aggressive than unneutered ones. Spayed and neutered pets are less likely to fight with other animals. The urge to roam significantly reduces as well as the urge to spray urine.

In most cases, cats become calmer. Fortunately, spaying and neutering do not reduce the affection of the pet towards you. Since the roaming will reduce, the pet will spend more time with you, which will boost the bond between you and your pet.

Does your dog mount onto any moving creatures? The female dogs also become aggressive when someone moves near their litters. These are some of the unruly behaviors that spay and neuter neutralizes.

However, if you identify weird behaviors after surgery in your pet, contact your pet spay clinic. Some of the peculiar behaviors include;

Head hung low with arched posture

Dodging his healthy behaviors like eating and grooming

unusual aggression

  1. Reduce Homelessness
    The number of homeless animals increases by the day. The excess animals end up in shelters while others get euthanized. These are sweet, innocent kittens and puppies that could have been saved from euthanasia if there was an action that was taken before they were born. The street animals can be a nuisance with endless fistfights, roaming carelessly, while others end up attacking people.

That is why spaying and neutering remain the best remedy to curb the numbers of cats and dogs born. Instead of pregnancy termination, you can opt for a permanent and effective method.

  1. Fight Pet Overpopulation
    Millions of pets are euthanized each year. These numbers are incredibly high. The high population is as a result of unwanted litters that could have been curbed by neutering and spaying.

Spay or neuter your pet as quickly and as soon as possible to give them a healthy life. However, spaying and neutering is a technical surgery procedure done by a professional. Therefore, choose a reputable pet spay clinic in Arizona for this surgical procedure.

Things to Do When Looking For a Pet Spay, Neuter Clinic in Arizona

Meta: Because of different factors involved, here are some items to take into consideration to help you to find the best pet spay/neuter clinic in this state.

Whether you live in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, Mesa, or any other part of Arizona, spaying and or neutering your pet is a task that is advised. Because of different factors involved, here are some items to take into consideration to help you to find the best pet spay/neuter clinic in this state.

Choosing the right clinic is important. One of the factors should be choosing a clinic that has been in business for at least a year. These clinics hopefully will have a better understanding of the  requirements of pet owners in Arizona. 

You Need a Clinic with the Right Equipment

An AZ spay and neutering clinic should invest in quality surgical equipment. With the proper tools, it becomes a more streamlined process to carry out a safe surgical procedure. Remember that when you take your companion to the pet spay neuter clinic, you want it to be as easy of a process as possible. You also expect that at the end of the process, there will be little to no complications that can increase the healing time of your pet after the procedure.

Your Pet Deserves Quality Medication after the Procedure

After surgery, it is important that your pet receives the proper medication and suggested plan of care. There are different types of drugs that can be used for this purpose, and only a qualified veterinary officer knows how to select them.

We also suggest looking into the vet’s reviews and speak to the staff before you go in for the procedure. 

Finding the right vet is important for your peace of mind! The team at has gone through the proper training for spaying and neutering your animal. Focusing on this skill is what they do best! Call us today to schedule your appointment. 

The Importance of Spaying and Neutering Your Pets

If you are looking for a pet spay clinic, then look no further than AZ PAWS and follow our simple guide below. Let’s begin.

Why is spaying and neutering my pet important?

First and foremost, it is important to know that there are many myths that surround the subject of spaying and neutering. For example, a lot of people have the misconception that spaying and neutering lead pets to gain excess weight. This is not true. Weight gain is a result of poor diet and lack of exercise, not spaying and neutering. When it comes to dogs, a lot of people also think that spaying and neutering will instantly correct their behavior. However, this is also not true. Though sometimes this does occur, behavioral changes are much more dependent on your pet’s individual personality and the way that you discipline them.

There are many health benefits to spaying and neutering your pet. For one, it helps to prevent a lot of undesirable health complications such as infections in female pets. When it comes to male pets, spaying and neutering have been shown to reduce their risk for things such as testicular cancer. It also has the added benefit of lowering testosterone in male dogs, which often makes them more docile and easier to be around. A lot of times if a male dog has high testosterone, they are far more prone to erratic behaviors and wandering off far away from home.

Although it may be quite easy to assume that most dogs and cats are spayed and neutered in today’s world, you may be surprised when you consult some of the research data that exists to highlight the exact figures. As a matter of fact, 86% of pet dogs and 90% of pet cats were spayed or neutered between 2015 and 2016, according to a survey from the American Pet Products Association. When you consider the prevalence of pet spay clinics, it is easy to see that there is an acknowledged demand for their services. Even so, it is still important that you take the time to find a pet spay clinic that not only values the care and service of your pet, but also takes your concerns as a pet owner into consideration.

How can I find a reliable pet spay clinic?

A reliable pet spay clinic should not be hard to find. First, you want to always establish that the clinic you visit has a staff of qualified veterinarians. It doesn’t hurt to look at reviews and recommendations from past customers either. Making sure your pet is taken care of by the best of the best is a key to maintaining both their health and your own peace of mind.

If you are looking for a high quality, dependable pet spay clinic, but you are just not sure who to trust or where to search, then do not hesitate to get in touch with us today. Our trained specialists have the expertise necessary to perform spaying and neutering with the care and attention that your pet deserves.

As a pet owner, there are many different challenges that arise without warning. Of course, on top of your day to day duties, you also have to be ready for unexpected injuries, runaways, and various hurdles that may always seem to pop up at the worst times. For these reasons, you should make sure that an your furry friend does not add more hassle to your life. If you avoid performing this important procedure, then you may end up paying big time in the long run. Spaying and neutering not only helps to prevent various health complications in your pet, but it will also give them a better quality of life. If you are looking for pet spay clinics, then look no further than AZ PAWS. Let’s begin to read about our simple guide.

Why is spaying and neutering my pet important?

First and foremost, it is important to know that there are many myths that surround the subject of spaying and neutering. For example, a lot of people have the misconception that spaying and neutering lead pets to gain excess weight. This is not true. Weight gain is a result of poor diet and lack of exercise, not spaying and neutering. When it comes to dogs, a lot of people also think that spaying and neutering will instantly correct their behavior. However, this is also not true. Though sometimes this does occur, behavioral changes are much more dependent on your pet’s individual personality and the way that you discipline them.

There are many health benefits to spaying and neutering your pet. For one, it helps to prevent a lot of undesirable health complications such as infections in female pets. When it comes to male pets, spaying and neutering have been shown to reduce their risk for things such as testicular cancer. It also has the added benefit of lowering testosterone in male dogs, which often makes them more docile and easier to be around. A lot of times if a male dog has high testosterone, they are far more prone to erratic behaviors and wandering off far away from home.

Although it may be quite easy to assume that most dogs and cats are spayed and neutered in today’s world, you may be surprised when you consult some of the research data that exists to highlight the exact figures. As a matter of fact, 86% of pet dogs and 90% of pet cats were spayed or neutered between 2015 and 2016, according to a survey from the American Pet Products Association. When you consider the prevalence of pet spay clinics, it is easy to see that there is an acknowledged demand for their services. Even so, it is still important that you take the time to find a pet spay clinic that not only values the care and service of your pet, but also takes your concerns as a pet owner into consideration.

Health Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Your Cats and Dogs

Health Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Your Cats and Dogs

Meta: It’s important to keep in mind the importance of spaying and neutering your pets. Read more about why on our blog. 

Finding a dog or cat to add as a member of your family has many rewards, and can bring a lot of happiness o your home. However, it’s important to keep in mind the importance of spaying and neutering your pets. Pet populations can easily get out of control, and spaying and neutering are a safe and 100% effective form of birth control.

Since dogs and cats can have multiple litters per year, and litters consist of multiple babies, spaying and neutering is an important consideration that can keep animals off the street and save you the burden of finding homes for all of the offspring. As an Arizona clinic for dog neutering, we recommend that you bring your puppy to see us within a week of bringing them home.

Health Benefits of Spaying

Beyond the obvious birth control benefit, spaying or neutering a female kitten or puppy has other health benefits to consider.

When your pet is spayed or neutered, it can help prevent infections and breast tumors. Breast tumors are especially devastating for felines as 90% of breast tumors in cats end up being malignant. By spaying, you will help extend the life of your pet right away.

Spaying a cat and spaying a dog will also improve their mental well-being and behavior. A spayed cat won’t go into heat, which will spare you the extra urinating and noises that accompany a heat cycle. But keep in mind, spaying will not fix all behavioral issues. It’s still recommended to see your vet if you have any questions or concerns.

Health Benefits of Neutering

A neutered male dog will generally be less aggressive and less likely to run away from home and wander. Since he won’t be concerned with procreating, there’s no reason to leave his comfortable living situation.

Neutering a dog will also help prevent aggressive “marking territory” type behavior, which is especially beneficial to keeping your dog from urinating all over the place.


As an Arizona clinic for dog neutering and an advocate for the health of all of your animals, we recommend neutering for all cats and dogs. It is cost-effective, in that it will prevent potentially expensive surgeries down the line, and it’s beneficial for your animals’ health and happiness, as well as your own. Give your new family member a healthy start. Cats and dogs can be spayed or neutered as young as two months, and the sooner the better.

The Secret to Having a Perrr-fect Pet!, your Arizona clinic for spaying and neutering makes dreams come true for new pet owners. Read more and find our why!

The Secret to Having a Perrr-fect Pet!

Many people would love to have a pet in their home to care for. Sometimes though people think differently about getting a pet. Someone who has seen a neighbor’s dog bark all night long or having a pet that is not properly trained may think twice before getting a dog. Cats can share some of the same concerns.

Imagine having a sweet dog that stays at home, sleeps soundly at night unless there is danger and doesn’t bring home puppies. Arizona clinic for spaying and neutering makes this dream come true for new pet owners.

Experts such as the ones found at AZPaws, an Arizona clinic for spaying recommended taking your puppy to the vet within the first seven days of bringing them home so they can get a clean bill of health. Then for pet neutering, spaying, and dental care, bring them back for follow up care.

Importance of Spaying or Neutering Your Pet

Spaying is the removal of ovaries and uterus of a female pet while neutering is removing testicles of a male pet. While most people originally did this to prevent litters and puppies, today it is recommended for more serious problems. According to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) spaying and neutering your dog or cat prevents uterine infections, breast tumors, and testicular cancer.

Spraying or neutering your pet helps to ensure there are no more heat days. Did you know that a female cat goes into heat every three weeks for four to five days?

Spaying or neutering your pet also helps your dog stay at home. You will be shocked at the lengths a pet will go to just to find a mate. AZPAWS, the Arizona clinic for spaying will help your dog stay at home and not straying.

Dental Care for Pets

Dental care is another big aspect of caring for your pet. Studies show that by 3 years of age, about 70% of cats and 80% of dogs have the periodontal (dental) disease because of poor dental care. Even though veterinarians explain the essence of brushing, 65% of pet owners have been found not to brush their pet’s teeth. This leads to an accumulation of tartar on their gum line which causes inflammation and eventually teeth loss and bad breath. Teeth infection will kill your pet if the sepsis goes to other vital organs.

When you take your furry friend to a vet clinic, the dentist will scale any tartar and then polish the teeth clean. This is something you should do regularly to keep your pet healthy.

There are a lot of benefits to visiting the our Arizona clinic for spaying and other services. Call us today to schedule your visit today.

The Benefits of Spaying or Neutering Your Pet

Having your pets spayed or neutered is always a beneficial step to take and the positives will outweigh the negatives every time. Learn more about this process and the benefits.

The Benefits of Spaying or Neutering Your Pet

Have you been debating whether or not neutering your pet is a good idea? When it comes right down to it, having your pets spayed or neutered is always a beneficial step to take and the positives will outweigh the negatives every time. Learn more about this process and the benefits behind it below.

The Facts Behind Pets and Reproduction

Spaying a dog or cat takes time and money, so it is tempting for owners to put the surgery off. You may be considering your pet’s recovery time, as well, which is another thing to factor for. That being said, this is one thing you do not want to procrastinate on.

A healthy and fertile dog could wind up producing two litters in one year, and they will likely have around six to ten puppies in each litter. A cat that is not spayed can give birth to nearly 5,000 kittens in seven years. When you consider that the world is already overpopulated with these animals, all of these extra births seems highly unnecessary.

Health Benefits

Whether you are spaying a dog or neutering a cat, you are doing your pet a big favor by getting the procedure completed. Keep in mind, too, that the younger they are when the operation is performed, the quicker and easier they will recover.

Throughout time, spaying a cat or dog winds up minimizing the risk of further health complications. The chance of your pet getting infections, tumors, cancer, and more gets reduced significantly, helping to ensure they live a long and happy life at home with you and your family members.

Along with this, it lowers the chance of your male pets running off to find a mate that is in heat, which could lead to further injury should they get in a fight or hit by traffic. These males tend to be less aggressive, as well.

And the females? Since they will not go through heat, they are less likely to urinate throughout your property, and they will hopefully be quieter, too, since they have no desire to attract a mate.

When to Spay or Neuter

If you have recently adopted a puppy or kitten, you will want to have them spayed or neutered sooner, rather than later. Dogs and cats can get pregnant from a very young age, so it is best to get the procedure done within the first five months of life. Once they reach two months old, spaying a dog or cat is safe to do, so you can schedule the surgery with your pet spay clinic then.

Considering getting a litter in before you spay or neuter? This is not recommended. In fact, recommends fixing your pets before they have the chance to reproduce at all. Don’t wait until it is too late. Get in touch with our vet clinic, so we can set something up.

Pet Health: What You Need To Know About Spay Clinics

Meta: Should I have my pet spayed or neutered? Here are some questions to ask about this process before making a decision.

No matter how much we love our pets, there comes a time to face a very important question: should I have my pet spayed or neutered? While there are many benefits of spaying or neutering your pet, it is still not an easy decision. Here are some questions to ask about this process before making a decision.

Why Spay or Neuter My Pet?
There are several reasons to consider having a spay clinic spay or neuter your pet. One of them is the problem of population control. It is a fact that cats and dogs can reproduce rather quickly. For instance, in seven years, a cat can produce nearly 5,000 kittens if she has not been spayed (4.948 kittens, to be exact). This is an astronomical amount of kittens! And, sadly, it is unrealistic to think that they all will find safe and loving homes. The alternative is that, in reality, many of the kittens will end up in shelters. Caring for your pet may mean that a spay clinic is warrantented.

Behavioral Difficulties
Howling and humping, as well as other forms of behavior, are associated with those times when our pets are in heat. A pet spay and neuter clinic can take care of these behavioral problems. Also, when in heat our pets tend to try and escape. This can cause them to be injured, stolen, involved in a fight with another animal or hurt in an accident.

Better Overall Health
Another great reason that shows the importance of spaying or neutering your pet at a spay clinic is the care and attention to their health which they receive there. In particular, the dental health of your pet will be examined and evaluated by the modern spay and neuter clinic vet. Pet health care is a top priority, especially dog dental care. In addition, infections and other problems are treatable in a spay clinic environment.

To sum up, taking care of your pet is a joy and a responsibility. The decision about spaying or neutering your pet is very important. A spay clinic provides a great alternative to traditional veterinary services, sometimes taking less time to get an appointment to be seen. For all the love and affection they give us, it is a good option to give your pet the benefit of a spay clinic. With this choice they will have the opportunity to really enjoy a healthy, happy life.