Monthly Archives: May 2020

A few Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Your Pet

Read about some beneficial tips for spaying and neutering your cat or dog today.

Neutering refers to the sterilization of pets. The male procedure is called castration, but neutering is the term most commonly used. Spaying is usually reserved for females. This guide helps you understand the benefits of these procedures.

Less Desire to Roam
Female dogs usually release pheromones when they are in heat. Male dogs can smell the scent from a distance, so they start roaming to look for females. When you neuter your male dog, its desire to roam will be reduced. Therefore, you can worry less about losing your dog.

Also, spaying your female dog will reduce its chance of being in heat, so it will not leave the house going out to look for male dogs. Thus, your pet will be safe at home. This also applies to cats.

Reduces Number of Litters
If you think going through the neutering and spaying process is hard, try taking care of unwanted litters. Taking care of litters is expensive, and it takes a lot of time. Therefore, it is vital to go to a pet spay clinic and control the birth rate of female pets.

Provides Significant Health Benefits
Pets can experience many health issues during their lifetime. Neutering is vital as it helps prevents testicular cancer. Testicular cancer has been reported to be at high rates in dogs and cats. Dog clinics encourage pet owners to neuter their dogs to avoid such cases.

Spaying, on the other hand, helps prevent breast cancer and uterine infections in pets. Thus, avoiding these major complications should be one of the benefits of spaying pets that you should keep in mind.

If a female pet is spayed during its first heat cycle, the chances of developing a mammary tumor are usually reduced tremendously. Pet healthcare should be your priority when you have a dog or cat.

Reduces Animal Population
Many people are surprised at the high numbers of pets, which are usually euthanized yearly. Therefore, the best way to reduce euthanasia processes is by controlling the animal’s population. Dogs and cats do not give birth to just one litter; thus, their population grows rapidly.

If every family took their pets for the neutering and spaying procedures, animal population may be reduced to a manageable number. Visit our spay and neuter clinic to be part of the initiative of reducing animal population using birth control instead of animal euthanasia. Spaying and neutering is the only 100% effective form of birth control for cats and dogs.

Have a Well Behaved Pet
Neutering dogs and cats usually redirects their full attention to the family. They will spend more time with the family instead of running around getting into garbage cans or running into the road. The fidgetiness of pets is usually reduced in neutered animals.

Neutering and spaying your pet only manages undesired behaviors that are linked to aggression. Your pet’s personality will still be maintained, so you don’t need to worry about losing your joyful and playful pet in the process.

Increases Pets’ Life Expectancy
Taking your cat or dog to a pet spay clinic can help increase its life expectancy. Neutering a dog increases its lifespan by one to three years. This shows that neutering improves the health of a pet. Neutering a cat increases its life span by three to five years.

It Is Good For the Community
Stray pets may cause accidents, destroy property, frighten children, and make noise in the neighborhood. Therefore, another benefit of spaying or neutering your pet is that the community will get to live more peacefully.

Spaying and neutering are important. Head to our pet spay clinic to experience all the above benefits. Our professional team will provide you with enough information about how to take care of the pet after the procedure. This guide gives you the reasons as to why you need to visit a pet spay clinic if you have a pet.

Two Important Parts of Pet Healthcare: Dental Care and Spaying or Neutering

Care of the teeth is an important part of pet healthcare that many pet owners overlook. Read more about some important factors regarding pet care.

It may surprise you to learn that 80% of dogs and 70% of cats exhibit signs of periodontal (dental) disease by age 3. Care of the teeth is an important part of pet healthcare that many pet owners overlook. Despite the fact that veterinarians emphasize brushing your pet’s teeth, 65% of pet owners don’t follow through with this recommendation. By the time a dog reaches adulthood, it has 42 teeth, while an adult cat has 30 teeth. Fortunately, it’s not necessary to floss a dog’s teeth; brushing alone cleans 90% of the teeth’s surfaces.

Pet Healthcare: Spaying or Neutering Your Dog or Cat
In addition to dental care for your pet, you need to consider spaying or neutering to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The only foolproof method of contraception for dogs and cats is spaying and neutering. Thankfully, many owners understand that preventing animal overpopulation is crucial. The American Pet Products Association reports that from 2015 to 2016, pet owners had 90% of cats and 86% of dogs spayed or neutered. This is an important issue, since a dog can produce 2 litters annually, and most litters contain six to 10 puppies. A single female cat that has not been spayed can be responsible for nearly 5,000 kittens in a seven-year period. Many unwanted offspring end up in animal shelters. states that your female dog or cat should be spayed before she has a first litter. Pregnancy can occur in cats and dogs when they are just five months old. To be on the safe side, you can have kittens or puppies spayed or neutered when they are just two months old.

Owning a dog or cat is a special responsibility. Pet owners should consider not only the health and well-being of their pets, but the greater problem of animal shelter crowding; this problem can be addressed by spaying and neutering dogs and cats as soon as they’re old enough to undergo the surgery. Periodontal disease is common in cats and dogs, so early dental care, including regular exams of the mouth at vet visits and brushing at home, is critical. Call us today to set up your appointment to care for your furry friend.

4 Reasons to Spay and Neuter Your Pet

Read more about why spaying and or neutering your pet is important in AZ.

If you’re a pet owner or planning to adopt one, then you need to consider spaying or neutering your pet. There is a big problem in Arizona. There are too many unwanted pets that end up in local shelters. Unless strictly monitored, dogs and cats mate when the mood strikes. Unfortunately, this might lead to unwanted pregnancies.

It’s estimated that approximately 7 million homeless animals enter shelters annually. Less than half of them get adopted, and the rest are euthanized. To minimize the number of litters, spaying and neutering become the only viable solution. The study reveals that spaying and neutering is the only 100% effective and permanent method of birth control for cats and dogs.

However, spay and neuter can only happen in a pet spay clinic. Therefore, there is a need to find a reputable spay clinic in Arizona. The decision to spay or neuter a pet is the single best decision you can make for your pet’s long-term welfare.

Here are the reasons why taking your dog to a pet spay clinic is essential.

  1. Boosts Your Pet’s Health

According to a 2013 report on the USA Today, spayed or neutered pets live the longest. It also adds that a spayed female dog can live 23% longer than unspayed one and neutered male dog lives 18% longer than its unneutered counterpart.

The short lifespan of unspayed and unneutered pets is attributed to their roaming nature, which exposes them to mishaps, being struck by cars, and even fighting with other animals.

Pregnancy has a lot of health effects for every creature. More so, the heat cycle affects the female dog by increasing her chances of getting breast cancer or uterine infection. On the other hand, neutering a dog means no balls, hence no testicle cancer.

  1. Curb Unruly Behavior
    Neutered cats and dogs are less aggressive than unneutered ones. Spayed and neutered pets are less likely to fight with other animals. The urge to roam significantly reduces as well as the urge to spray urine.

In most cases, cats become calmer. Fortunately, spaying and neutering do not reduce the affection of the pet towards you. Since the roaming will reduce, the pet will spend more time with you, which will boost the bond between you and your pet.

Does your dog mount onto any moving creatures? The female dogs also become aggressive when someone moves near their litters. These are some of the unruly behaviors that spay and neuter neutralizes.

However, if you identify weird behaviors after surgery in your pet, contact your pet spay clinic. Some of the peculiar behaviors include;

Head hung low with arched posture

Dodging his healthy behaviors like eating and grooming

unusual aggression

  1. Reduce Homelessness
    The number of homeless animals increases by the day. The excess animals end up in shelters while others get euthanized. These are sweet, innocent kittens and puppies that could have been saved from euthanasia if there was an action that was taken before they were born. The street animals can be a nuisance with endless fistfights, roaming carelessly, while others end up attacking people.

That is why spaying and neutering remain the best remedy to curb the numbers of cats and dogs born. Instead of pregnancy termination, you can opt for a permanent and effective method.

  1. Fight Pet Overpopulation
    Millions of pets are euthanized each year. These numbers are incredibly high. The high population is as a result of unwanted litters that could have been curbed by neutering and spaying.

Spay or neuter your pet as quickly and as soon as possible to give them a healthy life. However, spaying and neutering is a technical surgery procedure done by a professional. Therefore, choose a reputable pet spay clinic in Arizona for this surgical procedure.