The Importance of Spaying and Neutering Your Pets

If you are looking for a pet spay clinic, then look no further than AZ PAWS and follow our simple guide below. Let’s begin.

Why is spaying and neutering my pet important?

First and foremost, it is important to know that there are many myths that surround the subject of spaying and neutering. For example, a lot of people have the misconception that spaying and neutering lead pets to gain excess weight. This is not true. Weight gain is a result of poor diet and lack of exercise, not spaying and neutering. When it comes to dogs, a lot of people also think that spaying and neutering will instantly correct their behavior. However, this is also not true. Though sometimes this does occur, behavioral changes are much more dependent on your pet’s individual personality and the way that you discipline them.

There are many health benefits to spaying and neutering your pet. For one, it helps to prevent a lot of undesirable health complications such as infections in female pets. When it comes to male pets, spaying and neutering have been shown to reduce their risk for things such as testicular cancer. It also has the added benefit of lowering testosterone in male dogs, which often makes them more docile and easier to be around. A lot of times if a male dog has high testosterone, they are far more prone to erratic behaviors and wandering off far away from home.

Although it may be quite easy to assume that most dogs and cats are spayed and neutered in today’s world, you may be surprised when you consult some of the research data that exists to highlight the exact figures. As a matter of fact, 86% of pet dogs and 90% of pet cats were spayed or neutered between 2015 and 2016, according to a survey from the American Pet Products Association. When you consider the prevalence of pet spay clinics, it is easy to see that there is an acknowledged demand for their services. Even so, it is still important that you take the time to find a pet spay clinic that not only values the care and service of your pet, but also takes your concerns as a pet owner into consideration.

How can I find a reliable pet spay clinic?

A reliable pet spay clinic should not be hard to find. First, you want to always establish that the clinic you visit has a staff of qualified veterinarians. It doesn’t hurt to look at reviews and recommendations from past customers either. Making sure your pet is taken care of by the best of the best is a key to maintaining both their health and your own peace of mind.

If you are looking for a high quality, dependable pet spay clinic, but you are just not sure who to trust or where to search, then do not hesitate to get in touch with us today. Our trained specialists have the expertise necessary to perform spaying and neutering with the care and attention that your pet deserves.

As a pet owner, there are many different challenges that arise without warning. Of course, on top of your day to day duties, you also have to be ready for unexpected injuries, runaways, and various hurdles that may always seem to pop up at the worst times. For these reasons, you should make sure that an your furry friend does not add more hassle to your life. If you avoid performing this important procedure, then you may end up paying big time in the long run. Spaying and neutering not only helps to prevent various health complications in your pet, but it will also give them a better quality of life. If you are looking for pet spay clinics, then look no further than AZ PAWS. Let’s begin to read about our simple guide.

Why is spaying and neutering my pet important?

First and foremost, it is important to know that there are many myths that surround the subject of spaying and neutering. For example, a lot of people have the misconception that spaying and neutering lead pets to gain excess weight. This is not true. Weight gain is a result of poor diet and lack of exercise, not spaying and neutering. When it comes to dogs, a lot of people also think that spaying and neutering will instantly correct their behavior. However, this is also not true. Though sometimes this does occur, behavioral changes are much more dependent on your pet’s individual personality and the way that you discipline them.

There are many health benefits to spaying and neutering your pet. For one, it helps to prevent a lot of undesirable health complications such as infections in female pets. When it comes to male pets, spaying and neutering have been shown to reduce their risk for things such as testicular cancer. It also has the added benefit of lowering testosterone in male dogs, which often makes them more docile and easier to be around. A lot of times if a male dog has high testosterone, they are far more prone to erratic behaviors and wandering off far away from home.

Although it may be quite easy to assume that most dogs and cats are spayed and neutered in today’s world, you may be surprised when you consult some of the research data that exists to highlight the exact figures. As a matter of fact, 86% of pet dogs and 90% of pet cats were spayed or neutered between 2015 and 2016, according to a survey from the American Pet Products Association. When you consider the prevalence of pet spay clinics, it is easy to see that there is an acknowledged demand for their services. Even so, it is still important that you take the time to find a pet spay clinic that not only values the care and service of your pet, but also takes your concerns as a pet owner into consideration.