To protect your dog from toxic scraps, here are some human foods that are safe and some that are not-so-safe for your dog to eat.
Dogs are a big part of the American family. Unfortunately, this often means that dogs are being fed as if they were human. Dogs and humans don’t metabolize their food in the same way. In fact, food that may be safe for you to eat can be toxic to your pet.
To protect your dog from toxic scraps, here are some human foods that are safe and some that are not-so-safe for your dog to eat.
Feed Fido This, Not That: What’s Safe For Your Dog
Certain foods are perfectly safe for your dog to eat. In fact, many human foods like peanut butter can be used as a treat for your dog when given in moderation.
Here are some of the foods that are safe for your dog to consume:
Carrots (in bite-size pieces)
Peanut butter (in moderation)
Cooked eggs
Cooked, boneless salmon
Cheese (in moderation)
Seedless watermelon (without the rind)
Fresh or frozen peas (not canned)
Toxic Treats To Avoid: What Not To Feed Your Dog
Although some human foods are safe to give your dog when they’re unsalted, unseeded, and unseasoned, some foods are toxic. Foods like grapes can cause kidney failure and other unfortunate health problems that can be avoided.
To help keep your dog safe, here are some foods to avoid giving to your dog and to keep your dog away from:
Chocolate (all kinds)
Macadamia nuts
Tea (all kinds)
Before you feed your dog anything, it’s important to first make sure that it’s safe for them to consume and in what way. Even if a dog is able to eat a certain food, they may not be able to eat it if it’s raw or seasoned.
Don’t Forget Dental Care For Your Dog
Many pet owners enjoy sharing their food with their dogs. But it’s important that your pet is receiving dog dental care no matter what kind of food they’re eating.
Up to 80% of dogs have periodontal disease by the age of three. Left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to major health problems for your dog.
Dental care for your dog is an important part of pet healthcare. To learn more about dental care for your dog or to schedule an appointment for your dog, contact the office of AZ Paws today.